Glamour Beauty Show
The first edition of Glamour Beauty Show was a real success. The Italian event dedicated to beauty and produced by Condé Nast Glamour Italy. More than 10,000 came to experience "la creme-de-la-creme" in terms of style and glamour at Milan’s Superstudio Più, home to most of Milan’s fashion shows.
Erika Lemay was among the international speakers panel asked to talk about her Physical Poetry.
The Glamour Experience
A few weeks after Glamour Italia published a 6-page article dedicated to Erika Lemay, they flew her from Canada to Italy for this first-time event that sounded quite promising. A few hours before her speech, Erika was driven to Milano Superstudio Più in the new Porsche Panamera. Traffic isn't an issue when you can relax in this marvel's seat with a computerized panel touchscreen responding to all your needs of climate, comfort, audio and entertainment! Being able to choose from 5 different massage programmes was quite welcome to the international performer, making Porsche Panamera the most comfortable sports car in the world.
Upon arrival, journalist Nina Verdelli was there to walk Erika through the different rooms, explaining each one of them and their purpose.
The Trend Gallery is the first one one walks into, an area allocated to live and interactive experience, product presentations, make-up and hair sessions and much more. All of these wonders were offered by some of the most important beauty brands on the market: BioNike, Chanel, Dior, Lancôme, Mac, Phyto, Shiseido, Zadig & Voltaire. That's where the speakers including Erika were pampered by a wonderful hair dresser of the Phyto team.
The exploration then continued to the second room called Daylight, which hosted a photographic set and the new beauty start-ups. That's also where the public can watch a real-time photographic set with 4 photographers from Glamour Magazine, professional models styled by Simone Guidarelli, Fashion Editor Vanity Fair & Glamour Italia, who brought his creative amazingness to our latest book project with Douglas Kirkland.
Erika Lemay and Simone Guidarelli at Glamour Beauty Show
The third area, the Auditorium, was the core of the event, where different personalities of science, show business, sports, communication and much more gave speeches during the two days of events. That's also where Erika shared her view of beauty through Physical Poetry. Both days of keynotes were moderated by radio and TV host Paola Maugeri, who impressed not only by her flawless presentation but by her smart curiosity, bringing attention to precise points while introducing each speaker and concluding every speech with her comments.
The event was a true success with more than 10.000 visitors, an impressive panel of speakers including Jetsun Pema, activist and sister of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bebe Vio, Paralympic champion in 2016 and a most inspiring young lady, Carol Alt, Giovanni Gastel, Alessandro Preziosi, Wolfgang Schaefer, Edoardo Boncinelli, Stefano Seletti, Tess Masazza, Franco Bolelli, Lella Costa, Marisa Peer, Lea T, Matias Perdomo, Luca Lo Presti, Beatrice Vendramin, Paolo Ferri and Mimi Luzon. Read more about these speakers.

Glamour Beauty Show in dettagli
Si è conclusa con grande successo la prima edizione del Glamour Beauty Show, il primo evento italiano dedicato alla bellezza firmato da Glamour Italia. Oltre 10.000 le presenze registrate nei due giorni che, tra venerdì 21 e sabato 22 ottobre, si sono alternate nelle tre aree create per l’occasione al Superstudio Più di Milano.
Nella prima area, la Trend Gallery, otto tra i più importanti brand Beauty hanno intrattenuto il pubblico presente con live & interactive experience, make-up & hair session, presentazioni di prodotti, informazioni e rappresentazioni. BioNike, Chanel, Dior, Lancôme, Mac, Phyto, Shiseido, Zadig & Voltaire, questi i beauty partner che hanno, insieme a Glamour, dato vita a un evento unico nel suo genere. La seconda area, il Daylight, ha ospitato i set fotografici e le nuove start-up del beauty. Grazie a quattro fotografi di Glamour, Mario Gomez, Cosimo Buccolieri, Fabrizio Turrà e Massimo Ferrari e a bellissime modelle, è stato possibile vivere dal vivo l’esperienza di un vero e proprio shooting redazionale.
Nella terza area, l’Auditorium, punto nevralgico dell’evento, si sono alternati importanti ospiti della scienza, dello spettacolo, dello sport, della comunicazione e non solo, sotto la conduzione di Paola Maugeri, giornalista, presentatrice tv e dj radiofonica.
Oltre ad Erika Lemay: Jetsun Pema sorella di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama, Carol Alt, Bebe Vio, Giovanni Gastel, Alessandro Preziosi, Wolfgang Schaefer, Edoardo Boncinelli, Stefano Seletti, Tess Masazza, Franco Bolelli, Lella Costa, Marisa Peer, Lea T, Matias Perdomo, Luca Lo Presti, Beatrice Vendramin, Paolo Ferri e Mimi Luzon: questi i personaggi che hanno regalato suggestioni, emozioni, ed esperienze al pubblico.