Opening ceremony of Tiffany & Co.
Piazza Duomo in Milan, Italy
Photo Studio TAD with Molecole Show cluster of balloons
Tiffany & Co. recently opened their largest boutique in Europe.
For the occasion, La Maison delighted their 800 VIP guests with a wonderfully ethereal show by Physical Poet Erika Lemay, who flew suspended by a cluster of balloons courtesy of Molecole Show in front of Milan Cathedral, to Italian Sopranos Le Div4as rendition of “Ave Maria”.
After the performance, Erika Lemay together with Marc Jacheet and Raffaella Banchero proceeded to the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
La maison newyorkese di gioielli ha voluto festeggiare in grande invitando per l’occasione oltre 800 ospiti che hanno potuto assistere alla performance, ideata da Marco Acerbi, della ballerina volante Erika Lemay che, sospesa nel cielo su palloncini di Molecole Show, ha incantato il pubblico con volteggi davanti al Duomo su un Ave Maria di Caccini incantevole cantato dal vivo da Le Div4a.
Ma non solo. A scaldare l’atmosfera, la Dj Vicky Queen ha intrattenuto gli ospiti durante l’intero party.
Erika Lemay, Marc Jacheet and Raffaella Banchero ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new Tiffany & Co. store in Piazza Duomo on July 11, 2017 in Milan, Italy.
Volando alto con Molecole Show
Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Tiffany & Co
Erika Lemay with Le Div4as
Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Tiffany & Co
Getty Images Entertainment by Vittorio Zunino Celotto for Tiffany& Co.
Erika Lemay flying high with Molecole Show |photo Studio TAD
Erika Lemay flying high with Molecole Show | photo Studio TAD