Dance on Hands
The Language of a limitless body
“Her quasi-watery movements compose the evanescent image of a sensual dance with a strong emotional dimension… A performance of an irreproachable technique! ”
Dance on Hands is a hand balancing on canes and contortion performance awarded internationally For more information or for booking:
“Her work is at the same time very achieved and avant-gardist.”
The most outstanding shapes created by the beauty of a silhouette.
When Erika Lemay steps on stage, her elegant silhouette captivates her audience.
Her intelligently crafted, flawless technique astounds, then the Physical Poetry she weaves eloquently emerges.
Poised on thin canes, the artist commands impossible strength, control and precision, hypnotizing her audience.
Vulnerability, power and integrity inter-mingle in magical wonder.
Dance on Hands is a fine fusion between handbalancing, contortion and dance.
“Erika Lemay bends her body in breathtaking visual positions.”